Archives for posts with tag: Men’s Rights

So it seems that feminist at large can’t seem to take any criticism what so ever. Their counter points are lame, easily debunked, or just plain ridiculous. They say radicals contribute nothing to the movement, but not even Wikipedia is stupid enough to lie about that. Andrea Dworkin, Joanna Russ, and Gloria Steinem huge founding members are sexist bigots. Then you have male feminists like Manboobz and Arthur Goldwag who label the men’s rights group a hate group after it finds out the identities of radical feminists that use forums to discuss how they would murder little boys at the schools where the women in question work. In fact, the SPLC had to rescind the hate group claim for libel, the fact the MRAs not only proved Goldwag wrong yet again. I honestly hate Goldwag for making women into over grown infants, and condones banning the second amendment for what to make sure women have guns to protect themselves? Not to mention a good sum of feminists have a very long track record of silencing Battered Men, sexually abused boys, and even supporting forced circumcision to end AIDS and HIV of all things. As for anyone supporting male victims of anything expect a small riot ensue if meet publicly. Arguments against Anti-feminist range from grasping at straws to barely making sense. Case in point, Warren Farrell in 1978 had an interview with Penthouse on sexual fantasies involving incest. Apparently that means he condones actual incest. Then there is the Anders Behring Breivik argument its really lame saying he was an actual MRA when he seemed to be supporting more of a traditionalist view, I say seemed since his writings are more like the rantings of a man in need of serious mental help, and I mean like a straight jacket intervention help. Not to mention I couldn’t understand most of his manifesto. No one actually supports what he did, and he had no real connections to the MRM hell some MRAs used his actions to increase mental heath funding for men, to prevent more people from dying. Are there reasonable feminists sure but honestly the more you whine about being judged the less seriously I take you. I mean literally ousting radicals isn’t that hard to do, I mean really stop funding feminist groups that have radicals in them until they are fired. Plus when you ask have them have they made any petitions end infant circumcision, or make rape laws that include women as rapists. No, not one and since that is the case you can’t really sit around and whine to me that I am being unfair. In fact, most of the hate feminists claim anti-feminists have is actually feminist hate for women and men they don’t agree with. No one is above hating someone or some group for disagreeing with them. Sometimes a person can be more prone to it if they have a decent amount of self righteousness behind their intentions.  

Then there is the line that says, “Tell every woman in your life why you are against equality” when someone judges feminism is a total cop out of debate and a lame one at that. I mean whats next benevolent sexism, you realize you can’t make hate into a good thing. Its not possible, its an oxymoron the last time I checked the KKK lynched black people not bring them a cookie platter. I am not going to support telling women to check their privilege, that is ignorant and I won’t resort to such low levels of “debate”. Privilege is concept used generalize and insult a person for being different. I honestly think its time feminists try to figure out why people hate them and fix that issue instead of getting pissed off.  

Men’s rights groups are hate groups; I mean really if this proves the feminists of the west are afraid and enjoy down playing men’s issues is more than enough turn men into Misogynists; not that all the hate literature written by feminists, didn’t start that in the first place. Now many feminist view this AVfM website as misogynistic but the reality is it’s only making men the focus of social issues and like any other group of SJ activists they are angry and pissed off but why do they have so many women writing articles if they loathe women? The reality is they don’t its just a few jerks making mean comments. I do feel that Marc Lepine is a feminist hero; he is the stereotypical violent man that feminists label all men as unless they sit down shut up and do as they are told. I mean literally feminist have said and I quote “men can be feminist to so long as their voices don’t hold equal or greater value than that of women feminists” I mean yes they are angry at women and feminist but lets take a look at the women and feminists they hate, I don’t see any reason not to hate them, men are corn, male only spaces need to be destroyed, its just one unending circle jerk of misandry. 

Also note that these women admittedly are paying and holding fund raisers for the SPLC! I find it very sad that people use blogs as their sources of work, I’d also like to not that when Radfem hub covered false rape accusations they failed to read the part of the reports, that said,


<i>In the city of Denver 41% of the rape case reported were dismissed as false within an 8-10 hour period. According to the FBI, about 95,000 forcible rapes were reported in 2004. Based on the statements and studies cited above, some 47,000 American men are falsely accused of rape each year. These men are disproportionately African-American.</i>


So basically that number means that false rapes nationally are about for 2004, was about 49% Now does this mean I want rapes to be treated any differently? Not really I’d love it if the media kept its nose out of this stuff and ruining the case and the people involved. I hate saying this but I think many feminist just view disagreement or the fact that women are not the focus of attention tends to throw temper tantrums. Are all feminists “bigot man hating dykes” nope they may be wrong at times or misguided but this not likely a whole movement and as an MRA I view the rights of women as an equal issue. In fact I know several lesbians that would like their issues separated from feminism, because of the hetero-phobic, and misandric rhetoric of modern feminism why wouldn’t they?

I honestly feel that feminism is either to conservative in its views, or hasn’t had a good leader or goal in a very long. There is no reason to destroy it but there is plenty of reason for it to destroy the validity of its own members. In other words self police itself, before it casts judgement on MRAs.